Aug 31, 2021 | 28 food related additives and reactants are approved by National Health Commission of China
On the 26th of July, the National Health Commission of China (NHC) announced that 9 food additives and 19 food reactants were approved, according to China Food Safety Law. The above mentioned 28 su...
Aug 31, 2021 | China publishes The final version of ‘Measures for Cosmetics Supervision and Administration’
On the 6th of August, the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) enacted “Measures for Cosmetics Supervision and Administration” which will come into force from the first day of 2...
South Korea enacts the Act on Risk Assessment of Products for Human Body
Aug 27, 2021
South Korea enacted the Act on Risk Assessment of on July 27, 2021. This Act aims to protect and promote public health by evaluating risk assessment of products applied to the human body and regulatin...
South Korea expands the definition of existing substances
Aug 25, 2021
The Ministry of Environment (MoE) in South Korea added the provision to expand the definition of existing substances on Aug 12th, 2021. According to K-REACH, existing substances are those listed in...

Indian Government proposes to bring out a ‘Reference Document for Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road
Aug 06, 2021
Indian Government is proposing to bring out a ‘Reference Document for Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road’. These Dangerous Goods (DG) refer to substances that pose risks to health, sa...

MEE Publishes a Hazardous Waste Management Working Plan for Soliciting Opinions
Aug 06, 2021
On the 7th of July, the Ministry of Environment and Ecology of China (MEE) published a notification of “Letter on Soliciting Opinions on the "14th Five-Year Plan" National Haz...
China Publishes the Cosmetic Monitoring Plan for the Second Half of 2021
Aug 06, 2021
The National Medical Products Administration of China (NMPA) announced their working plan for the second half of 2021 on 5th July 2021. This working plan is based on the haircare products and chil...

China Endorses Two Cosmetics Ingredients Under CSAR
Aug 06, 2021
China implemented CSAR in January 2021, and this was after 30 years of waiting. China recently took another massive step by approving its first cosmetics ingredients under CSAR. As recently publis...

European Commission adopts ‘clarifications’ to REACH information requirements
Aug 06, 2021
REACH (EC 1907/2006) is a regulation aimed at improving the protection of human health and the environment through a better and earlier identification of the intrinsic properties of chemical substance...
Global NGO calls for the phase-out of hazardous chemicals used in plastic
Aug 06, 2021
A Global NGO network, International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN), based on its research, has found levels of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in almost all the free-range chicken eggs it ...
South Africa progresses to Publish Regulations on Hazardous Chemicals
Aug 06, 2021
Through the Ministry of Employment and Labour under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993, on 29 March 2021, the government of South Africa finally published its regulations concerning Hazardou...
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