Nov 01, 2021 | Biocidal Products Committee concludes to not allow d-allethrin in insecticides
During the Biocidal Products Committee (BPC) meeting between October 5-14, 2021, it was decided not to allow the use of d-allethrin for product-type 18, that is, insecticides, acaricides, and products...
Nov 01, 2021 | Australian Government Publishes Chemical Evaluations Roadmap And Rolling Action Plan
The Australian government recently published an evaluation roadmap and rolling action plan outlining their approach for evaluating industrial chemicals’ introduction. The rolling action plan is ...
300-Plus Chemicals Lose Confidential Status In US EPA List
Oct 26, 2021
In October 2021, US EPA removed the confidentiality status for 377 substances, making their chemical status available to the public. According to the TSCA inventory, these chemicals make up about 8,00...
China updates the registration platform to allow the generation of QR codes for hazardous chemicals
Nov 02, 2021
On the 7th of September, 2021, the Chemical Registration Centre in China upgraded its hazardous chemical substance registration platform based on the module of ’Platform + Applica...
Reversal Of Indian Ban On Using Recycled Plastics In FCMs
Oct 21, 2021
On the 17th of September 2021, India overturned its ban of recycled plastic in 2018, now allowing the use of recycled plastic in Food Contact Materials (FCMs). The exception to the new rule is that it...
China Issues Final List Of Substances Subject To Phase Out
Oct 21, 2021
On the 15th of September 2021, Chinese authorities approved a list of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in agreement and under the control of the Kigali Amendment. This is an am...
US EPA Releases A Comprehensive Roadmap For PFAs
Oct 21, 2021
To get ahead of problems that can impact those who make and use PFAs, the US EPA has issued a 26-pages roadmap to set an approach for research, restricting, and remediating these chemicals. Accordi...
New Turkish Food Codex Maximum of Pesticides Residual Limits Regulation is Published!
Oct 20, 2021
On the 27th of September 2021, the new Turkish Food Codex Maximum of Pesticides Residual Limits Regulation was published on the official gazette, after a public consultation on the draft in 2020....
Annexes of Turkey's Cosmetic Regulation are amended!
Oct 20, 2021
As published on the website of the official gazette, the Turkey cosmetic regulations’ annexes were amended in September. The parts that were amended include: Annex 2 (List of forbidden sub...
Access to EU’s First Public Database for SVHCs Now Available
Oct 20, 2021
The European Chemical Agency (ECHA) announced the SCIP Database in September 2021; this is a public database for Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) in EU products. SCIP da...
South Korea updates the list of low-risk biocidal substances to be exempted from K-BPR
Oct 18, 2021
National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER) in South Korea updated the list of low-risk biocidal substances, which can be exempted from K-BPR, on Sep 27th. There are 4 low-risk biocidal s...
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