Dec 20, 2021 | Brazil Chemical Inventory approved by the Environmental Commission
The Brazilian Deputies’ Chamber approved Law Bill 6.120/2019, which proposes the creation of a national chemical inventory aimed at consolidating information of chemicals imported into the ...
Dec 17, 2021 | Comprehensive Chemical Management Promulgated in Colombia
After four years of drafting the framework, Colombia finally promulgated a robust chemical management regulation. Decree 1630, published on November 30, 2021, sets the ground for implem...
European Commission bans the use of 23 CMRs in cosmetic products
Dec 17, 2021
The European Commission published a Regulation amending several annexes of the cosmetics regulation, prohibiting certain substances from use in cosmetics. This regulation was published on the 3rd of N...
A database of fragrance chemicals found in children's products reveals information gaps
Dec 17, 2021
According to the Indian researchers who compiled the chemicals’ database, there is a need for better risk assessment and regulation of fragrance substances in children's products. D...
UK REACH deadline may be extended as Government explores possible amendments
Dec 15, 2021
In a letter of 9 February 2021, Steve Elliott, Chief Executive of the UK’s Chemical Industries Association called upon the UK government to repeal the UK REACH requirement for duplicate registra...
Textiles and the Circular Economy: Upcoming regulatory changes in the European Union
Dec 14, 2021
The European Commission adopted its new Circular Economy Action Plan (COM/2020/98 final) in March 2020. The plan – which is one of the first deliverables under the European Green De...
China NMPA launches the label for Children cosmetics
Dec 15, 2021
On the 1st of December 2021, China’sNational Medical Products Administration (NMPA) published a special label for cosmetics that are intended for use by children under 12 years old. Fro...
Chile Shows How Its Notification System Will Work
Nov 05, 2021
In September, Chile reaffirmed commitments with the Latin American Regulatory Cooperation Forum (LARCF), an association promoting dialogue and information exchange, t...
India amends storage and handling rules for two hazardous substances
Nov 30, 2021
The Indian Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) amendment of the storage, handling, and packaging rules and stock reporting system for ammonium nitrate and calcium carbide c...
Mexico Promotes Circular Economy Law
Nov 30, 2021
On November 17, the Mexican Senate unanimously approved the general terms for the new Circular Economy Law (Ley General de Economía Circular – LGEC ). The new legislation p...
Circular Economy and the Disclosure Landscape: an OECD Investigation
Nov 30, 2021
Circular Economy has been on the rise, and debates about its adoption, key elements, benchmarks, and range of application are prevailing than ever before. In November 2021, the Organisation&...
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