Geert Dancet
Geert Dancet is the Chair of the Regulatory Representatives and Managers Association (RRMA). Since January 2018, Geert has been the managing director of the Dancet Company, which provides strategic advice services to companies, governments and non-governmental organizations on chemicals legislation and competition matters. He is also the Secretary General of the Helsinki Chemical Forum which organizes a high-level global conference on chemicals safety each year. Until the end of 2017, he was the first elected Executive Director of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) for two mandates of five years. Under his leadership, the agency successfully managed all regulatory processes of the REACH and CLP regulations. ECHA has over 500 staffnag members in charge of the EU chemicals legislations, including the Biocidal Products and PIC regulations. The Commission nominated him as the interim Executive Director in January 2007 to set up the agency in Helsinki. From 2004 to 2007, he was the Head of the REACH Unit in the European Commission’s Directorate General for Enterprise and Industry. The unit was co-responsible for taking the REACH proposal through the regulatory process in the Council and the European Parliament, as well as for developing and coordinating the REACH implementation strategy, which included the preparations for the new Chemicals Agency. He first joined the European Commission in 1986 and worked for most of his Commission career in the field of competition policy. Prior to working for the European Commission, Mr Dancet enjoyed an academic career in the University of Leuven (Belgium), where he studied economics, econometrics and philosophy, and was a program coordinator for the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) in Colombia. He studied economics, econometrics and philosophy at the University of Leuven, Belgium.

Anil Jauhri
Anil Jauhri is the Co-chair of the Regulatory Representatives and Managers Association (RRMA). Anupam is a BHU IT graduate in metallurgical engineering. He has extensive experience in the regulatory field and was with the Bureau of Indian Standards, the national standards body, for over 25 years, where he had key roles and positions. Anil has also worked as an adviser in the Export Inspection Council, India’s export regulator and certifying agency, under the Department of Commerce ( 2000-2003). After this, he worked at the National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies (NABCB) Quality Council of India, the national accreditation body. He was the CEO between 2013-2019.su He managed accreditation programs as per applicable international standards like ISO 17020 for inspection bodies, ISO 17021 for QMS/EMS/OHSAS/FSMS/ISMS etc. certification bodies, ISO 17024 for personnel certification bodies, ISO 17065 for product/process certification bodies and ISO 14065 for GHG validation and verification bodies. Anil has previously engaged with regulators like PNGRB in oil and gas, FSSAI in the food sector, CDSCO in the sector of drugs and medical devices, and BEE on energy efficiency to develop third party assessment systems based on NABCB accreditation. In addition, he has a: member of CDM Accreditation Panel, UNFCCC; a member of the Yoga Certification Board, Ministry of Ayush, Govt of India; a member of the Ayurveda Training Accreditation Board, Ministry of Ayush, Govt of India; Chairman of the Steering Committee, GCPPCS, CDSA_THSTI; a lead evaluator, APAC; and an IAF evaluator.

Anupam Kaul
Anupam Kaul is a member of the governing council of the Regulatory Representatives and Managers Association (RRMA). Anupam is a BHU IT graduate in metallurgical engineering. He heads and leads the standards, quality management, laboratory management, risk management and quality in governance initiatives of the CII Institute of Quality. In a career spanning more than 38 years, Anupam has had a varied and extensive exposure to industrial quality control, management systems implementation and auditing, standards development, laboratory testing and management, business excellence, human resource management, accreditation, risk management and training. He has initiated training programs and counseling support services in India on accreditation standards and is India’s leading coach on these subjects, having trained more than 800 certification/inspection auditors and managers over the past 10 years. Through his counseling support, more than 10 inspection and certification bodies have attained accreditation in India. Anupam has played a key role in the development of important ISO standards. He has served the ISO Working Groups for ISO 9001, ISO 9004, and ISO 37500. He is the chair of the BIS committee MSD 2 (Mirror Committee of ISO TC 176), a member of the National mirror committee on Conformity Assessment Standards (CASCO), a member of the National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies (NABCB), a member of Advisory Committee of BSI India, and the chair of the Appeals Committee of NABL. He is also a Lead assessor for United Nations CDM Accreditation Scheme, Senior Assessor and mentor for CII EXIM Bank Business Excellence and HR Excellence Programs. In his previous engagements, Anupam headed the National Institute of Training for Standardization, Certification Policy and Overseas Certification divisions of BIS. He has also written and presented several papers/ lectures in national / international forums on Quality applications, Conformity Assessment, Mutual Recognition agreements, Accreditation, Business Continuity, Public Services, Technical Regulations, Regulatory Impact Assessment. Anupam is one of the leading policy experts on standards, conformity assessment and technical regulations in India and works closely with ministries and government bodies. He played a key role in conceptualizing and developing the Indian National Strategy for Standardization notified by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry in June 2018, which will serve as the key policy document for India on all standards related aspects for the next five years. He represents the industry on government-to-government dialogue on standards and conformance cooperation and regulatory issues with several countries, including the USA and Germany. He has also been part of developing the India Standards Portal for the Government of India.

Shisher Kumra
Shisher Kumra is a member of the Governing Council of the Regulatory Representatives and Managers Association (RRMA), and the Head of the Secretariat of RRMA, which takes care of administrative tasks. Shisher is an environmental law and policy expert with 28 years of experience in the areas of cleaner production, cleaner technology, sustainability management, support chemical policy and regulation, circular economy, regulatory representation, and setting up compliance management systems and developing related tools for effective and efficient support to its clients. Shisher is the founder of the GPC group, through which he has supported the global compliance excellence efforts of 1500+ corporations. He has studied at Vikram University in Ujjain, India and Lund University in Lund, Sweden. He has a degree in chemical safety and environmental engineering, a master’s degree in environmental pollution prevention and a master’s degree in environmental management and policy.

Vaibhav Diwan
Vaibhav Diwan is the General Manager of business development and growth at the GPC group. He is a leading professional in the global chemical regulatory space. Starting with REACH and REACH-like regulations in the chemicals sectors, he has ventured into establishing regulatory compliance as an opportunity for business growth in the chemicals sector and related sectors. He is working with the senior management of multinational companies, helping them grow across the global market space by strategically addressing compliance challenges. As a Global Business Development Manager at the GPC Group (Sweden), he is enabling a multidimensional approach, from change management to business development and customer management. He also works with academic and non-profit organizations on relevant projects that push the state of the art in regulatory research, policy, and experimental bottlenecks. Academically, he is trained in biotechnology, molecular biology and microbiology, and holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Science.

Jayachandran Nair
Dr. Jayachandran Nair is a distinguished expert with over three decades of experience specializing in Environment and Global Chemical Regulations. Since 1993, he has been at the forefront of guiding industries through regulatory landscapes worldwide. With an extensive track record spanning 30+ years, Dr. Nair has consistently demonstrated his expertise through insightful presentations on various chemical compliance and registrations-related topics covering the EU, South-Korea, Turkey, the UK, China and countries where REACH and REACH like regulations are under development, including India. He has been instrumental in educating, training and providing complete awareness on topics related to compliances which has helped industries to strategize their business regards to exports including domestic sales. Dr. Nair is a prominent figure in the chemical industrial sector and is currently the CEO of GPC India. He is a key stakeholder and promoter of GPC activities globally, further solidifying his commitment to driving excellence and innovation in regulatory compliance practices.

Mangesh barbate
Mangesh Barbate is the COO of Global Product Compliance (GPC). He specializes in global regulatory compliance solutions across several sectors and has 12+ years of experience. He has carried out extensive research regarding the European REACH regulation and has handled over 1200 substance registrations within ECHA (the European Chemical Agency). Mangesh also has expertise in regulations that regard Korea, the UK, China, Turkey, Eurasia, Australia, and Thailand, and he is well versed in the upcoming chemical regulations across the world, including India. He has a master’s degree in chemistry from the University of Nagpur. Mangesh’s main focuses in his role are to align the clients’ regulatory requirements for registration and to prepare the technical documents for successful submission to the authorities. He also plays a vital role in explaining and creating awareness amongst various stakeholders regarding the requirements and obligations for chemical compliances to ensure smooth business operations. To meet these demands, he works on providing solutions as per the requirements of sustainable chemical management and he develops teams with technical knowledge. He also handles the technical team, which involves toxicological experts. While preparing the technical dossiers, he has gained knowledge of various software, like IUCLID, Chesar, QSAR toolbox, EPI Suite, etc.

Pooja Vishnoi
Pooja Vishnoi is the GM and Head Regulatory in Auxilife Scientific Services Pvt. Ltd (a unit of GPC, Sweden) which has been serving global companies and industries in the field of agrochemical and biocide regulatory consultancy for the past 10 years. Pooja has over 9 years of regulatory experience in plant protection products, biocides, bio stimulants, and other chemicals. She holds a master's degree in environmental engineering. She has worked in the areas of Environmental Impact Assessment and environmental fate and behavior, as well as regulatory and technical assessment related to the EU, Australia, Africa and India. She also has vast experience in environmental fate, behavior and risk assessment of plant protection products, biocides, and other chemicals. She provides advice regarding environmental fate and regulation of such chemicals in data evaluation, dossier drafting, and the assessment of environmental exposure using both standard and higher tier assessment tools, including FOCUS models.

Anju Singh
Anju Singh is the newest member of the Governing Council of the Regulatory Representatives and Managers Association (RRMA). She is also a professor at the university IIM Mumbai and a representative of the university and an Honorary Institutional member of RRMA. The university cooperates with RRMA on the e-learning course already and the relationship continues to develop. Professor Anju has studied at the Indian Institute of Technology in Bombay, India.

Mukta Kumra
Mukta Kumra is the Director of Finance and Administration at Global Product Compliance (GPC). She has one master's degree in business administration, and one in environmental science. Her work experience spans from local, non-profit, research based and international high-tech companies. She became the head of Finance and Administration at GPC in 2011 and has remained in this position since then. She has previously been involved in non-profit environmental organizations in India wherein she has extensively contributed to preparing reading material for distance learning programs for working executives.

Jashvant Sevak
He is the Head of Regulatory and Product Stewardship & Sustainability at Heubach Colour Pvt Ltd India. He post-graduated in chemistry and has 30 years of experience working in various capacities in chemical industries. He has worked in the laboratory, product development, basic chemicals, additives polymer, pharma and colorant industries. He has extensive experience of successful commissioning of Dioxin Testing facility, aluminum hydroxide and hydrotalcite plant from concept to commissioning. He worked extensively for waste minimization and value from waste project. Presently he is in various committees of Bureau of Indian Standard and advocating stringent norms for Toys and Food contact applications. He is a Board Member of ETAD Switzerland and member of the pigment operating committee of ETAD. He is also on the technical board of Colours and dyers society UK. He holds two patents on behalf of Heubach, a synthesis of Hydrotalcite and one pack stabilizer system comprising the same, and a process for manufacturing of Boehmite particulate matter.
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