Asian Chemicals Forum 2023

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2023-09-05 | Asian Chemicals Forum 2023

Date & Time
September 5 - 6 2023 I New Delhi India


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About the event
The Asian Chemicals Forum (ACF) is organized by the Regulatory Representatives and Managers Association (RRMA) and Helsinki Chemicals Forum (HCF) with the Global Product Compliance (GPC) Group as the knowledge partner and principal sponsor.

The ACF conference will cover a wide range of topics related to safe chemical management and will engage 25+ expert speakers from governmental officials, industry leaders, NGOs, and academics from key regions and countries in Europe, Asia and the USA. The conference is expected to be attended by over 250 professionals.


Place and time
The event takes place on September 5 - 6 2023 in the India Habitat Centre, Jacinda Hall, New Delhi, India. The second day of the event can also be attended online. 


About the theme
The chemical safety management landscape is evolving rapidly in Asian countries, especially in India and other SEA countries, which drives the global sustainable change in the right direction while creating new opportunities for industry innovations. Nevertheless, this is followed by increased expectations and challenges of operational adaptations, and new regulatory terrains to navigate through for all impacted stakeholders.

ACF 2023 will have three opening keynote speeches, three panel debates on topics for international chemicals management, and a final concluding remark.

  • What will the new UN Framework for Chemicals mean for Asia?
  • How to best tackle forever chemicals and endocrine disruptors?: Worldwide views in response to EU´s classification proposals
  • What is the right management system for industrial and consumer chemicals in Asia?

You can expect a diverse variety of program highlights. such as:

  • Interactive regulatory training sessions by regulatory authorities
  • India-specific chemical regulatory discussions
  • Industry-leading CEOs at our CEO Roundtable
  • Insights into the impact of Forever Chemicals on the industry
  • Panel of 25+ distinguished experts including regulatory authorities, industry leaders, NGOs, and academics from Europe, Asia, and the USA


Registration and attendence
In response to overwhelming demand, we are thrilled to announce that we have extended the Early Bird Registration period until August 7th for the Asian Chemicals Forum! This means that you can still get the 50% discount on all registration types until August 7. 

ACF offers different discounts: 

Register here at the special rate of 50 euros if you are a SMEs, NGOs or RRMA Member:
Register here at the special rate of 100 EUR if you are not a Non-RRMA member ( After 7 August - 150 EU):

Asian Chemicals Forum Website:

ACF Program & Schedule:

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