The amendment of the "Procedure for the Recognition of Infectious Animal Disease-Free Status of a Foreign Country (Zone)”

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Distribution date: 04 September 2023 | Final date for Comment: 01 March 2025

The Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu notified the first amendment to the "Procedure for the Recognition of Infectious Animal Disease-Free Status of a Foreign Country" on 23 November 2021 (G/SPS/N/TPKM/543/Rev.1/Add.1). Sin

Products Covered: Animals and Animal Products (HS codes: 01, 02, 0401, 0402, 0407, 0408, 0410, 0502, 0504, 0505, 0506, 0507, 0510, 0511, 1214, 1502, 1506, 1601, 1602, 1902, 1904, 1905, 2104, 2301, 2308, 2309, 3001, 3002, 3101, 3105, 3502, 4101, 4102, 4103, 4205, 4301, 4601

Regulation Type: Addendum to Regular Notification

Animal diseases Animal health Adoption/publication/entry into force of reg. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)

Revision of the Order for Enforcement of the Act on the Evaluation of Chemical Substances and Regulation of Their Manufacture, etc.

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Distribution date: 01 September 2023 | Final date for Comment: 31 October 2023

Based on Article 17 and 22 of the Act on the Evaluation of Chemical Substances and Regulation of Their Manufacture, etc. (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”), the following will be designated as Class I Specified Chemical Sub

Products Covered: The following chemical substancesPerfluoro (hexane-1-sulfonic acid) (PFHxS), its isomers or these salts The following products in which PFHxS, its isomers or these salts are used1. Water-repelle

Regulation Type: Regular notification

Microbe phosphate fertilizer (The new standards for fertilizer)

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Distribution date: 01 September 2023 | Final date for Comment: 01 March 2025

Draft to establish, Ministerial Order and Notification amending the Ministerial Order and Notification of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries pertaining to Act on the Quality Control of Fertilizer notified in G/TBT/N/JPN/771 has been ad

Products Covered: Fertilizer (HS: 3101)

Regulation Type: Addendum to Regular Notification

Draft partial amendment of the Enforcement Rule of the Act on Registration and Evaluation of Chemical Substances

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Distribution date: 31 August 2023 | Final date for Comment: 30 October 2023

- Name of Law: “Draft partial amendment of the Enforcement Rule of the Act on Registration and Evaluation of Chemical Substances”- Major Contents: A. Simplification of provision of information on chemical substances (Article 36)1) F

Products Covered: New and existing chemical substances, polymers, and nanomaterials

Regulation Type: Regular notification

Draft partial amendment of the Enforcement Decree of the Act on Registration and Evaluation of Chemical Substances

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Distribution date: 31 August 2023 | Final date for Comment: 30 October 2023

- Name of Law: “Draft partial amendment of the Enforcement Decree of the Act on Registration and Evaluation of Chemical Substances”- Major Contents: A. Delegation of Authority and Entrustment of Affairs and etc(Article 21, 22, and 31)

Products Covered: New and existing chemical substances, and substance subject to intensive control contained in product

Regulation Type: Regular notification

Proposed chemical management standards for four persistent organic pollutants 

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Distribution date: 30 August 2023 | Final date for Comment: 29 October 2023

The Industrial Chemicals Environmental Management Standard (IChEMS) has been developed by all Australian governments to efficiently and effectively manage the risks of industrial chemicals to the environment, while providing co

Products Covered: The following chemicals, and products (finished goods) containing the following chemicals, when used for an industrial purpose (excluding agricultural, veterinary or therapeutic purposes):Pe

Regulation Type: Regular notification

Proyecto de Normativa Técnica Sanitaria para el proceso de emisión del informe de evaluación toxicológica, modificaciones de informe toxicológico y adaptación de etiquetas al sistema globalmente armonizado de los Plaguicidas Químicos de uso Agrícola (PQUA

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Distribution date: 30 August 2023 | Final date for Comment: 29 October 2023

The purpose of the Draft Regulations is to set out the procedure for obtaining the toxicology evaluation report for chemical pesticides for agricultural use, in accordance with the provisions of Andean Community Decision No. 804 and Resolution No. 2075, o

Products Covered: The notified regulations are the Draft Sanitary Technical Regulations for the process of issuing the toxicology evaluation report, amending the toxicology report and aligning the labelling of chemical pesticides for agricultural use with the Globally Harm

Regulation Type: Regular notification


National Standard of the P.R.C., Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals — Part 1: General specifications

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Distribution date: 28 August 2023 | Final date for Comment: 27 October 2023

This document specifies the terms and definitions related to classification and labelling of chemicals, and also specifies the rules for classification, labelling and SDS of chemicals.This document applies to the classification an

Products Covered: Chemicals (ICS code(s): 13.300)

Regulation Type: Regular notification


National Standard of the P.R.C., Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals — Part X:Desensitized explosives

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Distribution date: 28 August 2023 | Final date for Comment: 27 October 2023

This document specifies the terms and definitions, classification criteria, decision logic and guidance, labelling of desensitized explosives.This document applies to the classification and labelling of desensitized explosives in accordance with

Products Covered: Chemicals (ICS code(s): 43.020)

Regulation Type: Regular notification

National Standard of the P.R.C., Safety and technical standards for cleaning products

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Distribution date: 28 August 2023 | Final date for Comment: 27 October 2023

This document specifies terms and definitions, raw material requirements, product requirements, test methods and labeling requirements for cleaning products.The document applies to cleaning products (except cosmetics, disinfection

Products Covered: Laundry soap (ordinary laundry soap, compound laundry soap, other laundry soap), soap powder, soap liquid, other soap products, synthetic laundry powder (ordinary laundry powder, concentrated laundry powder, industrial laundry powder, other laundry pow

Regulation Type: Regular notification

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