Draft Commission Delegated Regulation supplementing Directive (EU) 2020/2184 of the European Parliament and of the Council by laying down the procedure regarding inclusion in or removal from the European positive lists of starting substances, compositi

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Distribution date: 27 September 2023 | Final date for Comment: 26 November 2023

This Regulation lays down the procedure for applications for inclusion in or removal from the European positive lists of starting substances, compositions, or constituents that are established under Article 11(2)(b) of Directive (EU) 2020/218, and whic

Products Covered: Products or final materials that come into contact with water intended for human consumption

Regulation Type: Regular notification

The Ministerial Decree No. 298 /2023 and The Ministerial Decree No. 326 /2023 for Egyptian Standard ES 4756-1 "Cement - Part 1: Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for common cements."

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Distribution date: 27 September 2023 | Final date for Comment: 01 March 2025

Products covered: (ICS:91.100.10) Cement. Gypsum. Lime. MortarThis addendum concerns the notification of the Ministerial Decree No. 298 /2023 (1 page, in Arabic) postponing implementation of Egyptian Standard ES 4756-1"

Products Covered: Chemical, textile and engineering products

Regulation Type: Addendum to Regular Notification

Plan Nacional de Control Sanitario de Acuicultura y Pesca.

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Distribution date: 26 September 2023 | Final date for Comment: 25 November 2023

Requisitos sanitarios para la exportación e importación de los productos y subproductos de la pesca y acuicultura.

Products Covered: Peces vivos (código(s) del SA: 0301); Pescado comestible, fresco o refrigerado (exc. filetes y demás carne de pescado de la partida 0304) (código(s) del SA: 0302); Pescado comestible, congelado (exc. filetes y demás carne de pescado de la partida 0304)

Regulation Type: Regular notification

Human health Food safety

Receipt of Several Pesticide Petitions Filed for Residues of Pesticide Chemicals in or on Various Commodities. Notice of filing of petitions and request for comment

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Distribution date: 25 September 2023 | Final date for Comment: 19 October 2023

This document announces the Agency's receipt of several initial filings of pesticide petitions requesting the establishment or modification of regulations for residues of pesticide chemicals in or on various commodities.

Products Covered: Multiple commodities

Regulation Type: Regular notification

Food safety Human health Pesticides

Receipt of Several Pesticide Petitions Filed for Residues of Pesticide Chemicals in or on Various Commodities. Notice of filing of petitions and request for comment

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Distribution date: 25 September 2023 | Final date for Comment: 12 October 2023

This document announces the Agency's receipt of several initial filings of pesticide petitions requesting the establishment or modification of regulations for residues of pesticide chemicals in or on various commodities.

Products Covered: Multiple commodities

Regulation Type: Regular notification

Human health Food safety Pesticides

Pesticide Tolerances; Implementing Registration Review Decisions for Certain Pesticides. Proposed Rule

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Distribution date: 25 September 2023 | Final date for Comment: 13 November 2023

EPA is proposing several tolerance actions that the Agency previously determined were necessary or appropriate during registration review for the following pesticide active ingredients: chlorsulfuron, primisulfuron-methyl, triasulfuron, halosulfuron-me

Products Covered: Barley, grain; barley, straw; cattle, fat; cattle, meat; cattle, meat byproducts; goat, fat; goat, meat; goat, meat byproducts; grass, forage; grass, hay; hog, fat; hog, meat; hog, meat byproducts; horse, fat; horse, meat; horse, meat byproducts; milk;

Regulation Type: Regular notification

Human health Food safety Maximum residue limits (MRLs) Pesticides

Hazardous Materials: Modernizing Regulations To Improve Safety and Efficiency

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Distribution date: 22 September 2023 | Final date for Comment: 04 December 2023

Advance notice of proposed rulemaking; extension of comment period - On 5 July 2023, PHMSA published an advance notice of proposed rulemaking, titled "Hazardous Materials:

Products Covered: Hazardous materials; Transport in general (ICS code(s): 03.220.01); Accident and disaster control (ICS code(s): 13.200); Protection against dangerous goods (ICS code(s): 13.300); Products of the chemical industry (ICS code(s): 71.100)

Regulation Type: Addendum to Regular Notification

Proyecto de Resolución: “Por la cual se establecen los requisitos y el procedimiento para el registro de los productores, productores por contrato, semielaboradores e importadores de cosméticos con cannabis no psicoactivo, preparaciones magistrales y p

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Distribution date: 22 September 2023 | Final date for Comment: 21 November 2023

ARTÍCULO 1. OBJETO. Reglamentar el procedimiento y los requisitos exigibles para el registro de los productos, productores, productores por contrato y semielaboradores e importadores de cosméticos con grano, derivados del grano, compon

Products Covered: Productos farmacéuticos (código(s) del SA: 30)

Regulation Type: Regular notification

Animal health Plant health Animal diseases

Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Consumer Products

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Distribution date: 21 September 2023 | Final date for Comment: 20 November 2023

Notice of availability and request for information by 11 November 2023 - The Consumer Product Safety Commission (Commission or CPSC) is publishing this notice to request information on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) used in commerce or po

Products Covered: Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances; Environmental protection (ICS code(s): 13.020); Domestic safety (ICS code(s): 13.120); Products of the chemical industry (ICS code(s): 71.100)

Regulation Type: Regular notification

Draft Cabinet Decree no. (xx) for 2023, National Scheme to Control the Detergents

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Distribution date: 21 September 2023 | Final date for Comment: 20 November 2023

   The provisions of this scheme are applicable to the following: 1.     All types of detergent products specified in the approved Technical Reg

Products Covered: Detergents

Regulation Type: Regular notification

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