May 05, 2023 | South Korea updates the designation of usage standards of cosmetic raw materials
The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) in South Korea updates the designation of usage standards of cosmetic raw materials, especially on UV protection ingredients, under the Cosmetic Act on May ...

May 15, 2023 | UN countries add 3 substances to Annex A of the Stockholm Convention
At the 11th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Stockholm Convention on 5 May 2023, more than 120 countries agreed to add 2 plastic chemicals and one pesticide to the Conventions lis...

UN countries add 3 substances to Annex A of the Stockholm Convention
May 15, 2023
At the 11th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Stockholm Convention on 5 May 2023, more than 120 countries agreed to add 2 plastic chemicals and one pesticide to the Conventions lis...

UN countries add 3 substances to Annex A of the Stockholm Convention
May 15, 2023
At the 11th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Stockholm Convention on 5 May 2023, more than 120 countries agreed to add 2 plastic chemicals and one pesticide to the Conventions lis...

Brazil’s New Chemical Law approved in Chamber of Deputies
May 12, 2023
On 9 May 2023 the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies approved Bill 6120/2019. The Bill will now move on to the Senate for consideration. It is now set to be reviewed by the Environment Committee (CMA) and ...

European Commission proposes revision of Detergent and Cleaning Products Regulation
May 12, 2023
On 28 April 2023 the European Commission put forward a proposal for a revised Regulation on detergents and surfactants that would amend Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 and repeal Regulation (EC) No 648/2004...

India releases draft notification for Extended Producer Responsibility for used oil
May 12, 2023
On 2 May 2023, the Indian Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF) published a draft notification in the Gazette of India for bringing out regulations for Extended Producer Responsibi...

Mexico Updates Law on Chemical Precursors and Essential Chemical Products
May 12, 2023
On 3 May 2023 the Mexican government published a decree adding, amending, and repealing various provisions of the Federal Law for the Control of Chemical Precursors, Essential Chemical Products and Ma...

Six substances removed from Japan’s PACs list
May 11, 2023
In a notice published on March 31, 2023, the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) and the ministries of Health, Labour, and Welfare (MHLW) and Environment (MOE) announced the remov...

The European Commission has adopted measures prohibiting lead in PVC.
May 11, 2023
The European Commission has finally adopted restrictions prohibiting the use and sale of lead in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) articles, including imports in order to safeguard individuals and the environm...

Ukraine aligns its chemical policy with the EU
May 09, 2023
Since Ukraine became an EU candidate in June last year the country has been working on aligning its chemical policy with EU REACH. Last December the country published the law on chemical safety and ma...
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