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23 June, 2021
SCIP Database and its Implications on Substances in Articles

The European Union has notified a new set of requirements on Substances of Concern In articles as such or complex objects (Products) also known as the SCIP database under the Waste Framework Directive...

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June 30, 2021
Indian CMSR Compliance Analysis and BIS Certification (In Mandarin)

India released the fifth draft of the Chemical (Management and Safety) Rules (CMSR) on Aug. 24th, 2020. The CMSR will regulate Substances, Substances in Mixture, Substance in Articles, and Intermediat...

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June 15, 2021
Regulation of Plant Protection Products in the EU and UK

As one of the developed economies, the EU has a highly regulated system to manage the placing of Plant Protection Products (PPP) on its market. The legal framework for placing PPP on the EU market is ...

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May 25, 2021, 10:30 (CEST)
Chemical Regulations and Management in Thailand

The Hazardous Substance Act B.E. 2535 is one of the main legislative bases involved in chemical management in Thailand. The first issue of B.E. 2535 came into force on April 7th, 1992. The Act has bee...

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May 18, 2021, 11:30 (CEST)
Knowing your registration obligations under Turkey REACH

Turkey REACH came into force on 23rd of June 2017 and has three phases for implementation. The second phase, which is the registration of KKDIK, started on 1 January 2021. To ensure your access to the...

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May 25, 2021, 11:30 (CEST)
Comply with UK-REACH: How can companies prepare?

The EU REACH Regulation was brought into UK law on 1 January 2021 and this is known as UK REACH. UK REACH requires UK manufacturers/importers to register their chemical substances to the Health and Sa...

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