What you need to know about Agrochemical Regulations in EU and UK

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2022-01-13 | What you need to know about Agrochemical Regulations in EU and UK

Date & Time
January 13 ,2022, 10:30 CET/15:00 IST

As one of the developed economies, the EU has a highly regulated system to manage the placing of Plant Protection Products (PPP) in its market. The legal framework for placing PPP on the EU market is the Regulation (EC) No. 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009. The criteria are mainly hazard-based decisions rather than risk assessments. Following the end of the Brexit transitional period, an independent pesticide regulatory regime came into operation in the UK (Great Britain) from 1st January 2021. Our webinar will provide a summary of EU and UK requirements for PPP, explain the compliance requirements and benefits.

 Key points to be covered in this webinar:

  • EU registration of new active substances
  • EU renewal of active substances’ approval
  • EU approval criteria and requirements
  • EU registration of plant protection products
  • Registration of plant protection products in the UK after Brexit

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