Knowing your Compliance obligations under KKDIK and cosmetic compliance in Turkey

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2023-10-26 | Knowing your Compliance obligations under KKDIK and cosmetic compliance in Turkey

Date & Time
October 26 10:00 - 11:00 CEST / 13:30 - 14:30 IST

The KKDIK registration deadline is rapidly approaching (31st Dec. 2023). This also applies to substances that will be used for cosmetic ingredients. GPC will provide detailed information about KKDIK: what to expect from SIEFs and consortia, as well as how to be a part of them. Potential registrants will also learn about how the dossiers are prepared and what type of information is required from them and their compliance partners. COSMED will provide information on the latest cosmetic updates in Turkey, the main differences to the European market, compliance obligations and updates on restricted ingredients. 
About KKDIK 

  • KKDIK Timeline  
  • Your Roles in SIEFs and Consortia  
  • Dossiers Preparation strategies    
  • Chemical Safety Reports (CSR) and SDS  
  • Manufacturers’ Obligations and Compliance Solutions 

Cosmetic compliance in Turkey

  • New cosmetic regulation in Turkey: Main changes
  • Main differences with Europe
  • Obligations of responsible persons 
  • Updates on restricted ingredients

This webinar is hosted by Global Product Compliance in collaboration with COSMED. Find more about COSMED here:

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