Indian Chemical & Petrochemical Conference (ICPC)

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2020-11-23 | Indian Chemical & Petrochemical Conference (ICPC)

Date & Time
November 25th: 10:00 (CEST)/14:30 (IST)

The Confederation of Indian Industry (the CII) is organizing Indian Chemical & Petrochemical Conference (ICPC) 2020. As a knowledge partner to the CII, GPC will contribute to the session Masterclass on Understanding

Regulatory Framework on following topics:
(1) Latest Updates on India’s Draft Chemicals Regulation 
(2) Poison Centre Notification and its implications on SDS  
(3) Turkey REACH (KKDIK) and Role of the Exporter  
(4) Key Regulatory Updates in Taiwan 
(5) A quick overview of the K-REACH 
(6) Latest Updates on Brexit and the UK-REACH

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