Comply with UK-REACH: How can companies prepare - In Mandarin

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2022-03-29 | Comply with UK-REACH: How can companies prepare - In Mandarin

Date & Time
March 29 2022 9:00-10:00 CEST / 15:00-16:00 CST

* This webinar will be held in Mandarin. For Mandarin description see below.

The EU REACH Regulation was brought into the UK law on 1 January 2021, and this is known as UK REACH. UK REACH requires UK manufacturers/importers to register their chemical substances to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) by the designated registration deadlines if the tonnage exceeds 1 TPA. To know more about your obligation under UK REACH, GPC prepares a webinar event on this for you and your team. 


UK-REACH has been described as mirroring its EU counterpart. Non-EU manufacturing companies can appoint an Only Representative (OR) in the UK to carry out the required UK REACH registrations and also to do the Downstream User Import Notification (DUIN) thereby getting the transition period (up to 6 years) to register the chemicals within UK REACH. 


Topics to be covered:   

•    An overview of UK REACH 

•    Who is concerned? (EU/EEA-based exporters, GB-based importers) 

•    How to comply with UK REACH as an EU REACH registration holder? 

•    Compliance with UK REACH when substance is not yet registered under EU REACH  

•    What are the applicable fees? 

•    Compliance strategies  


欧盟化学品管理法规(EU REACH)在2021年1月被纳入英国的法律体系(UK REACH)。根据UK REACH的相关要求,对年制造及进口量超过一吨(TPA)的化学物质,制造商及进口商需在制定期限内向职业健康与安全管理局(HSE)办理登记。为中国制造商了解相关UK REACH的规定及出口义务,GPC特举办该场研讨会向大家介绍相关规定。 UK REACH 与EU REACH 有极高相似度,非欧盟制造商可指定一名唯一代表(OR)来进行UK REACH 规定的相关注册及DUIN 通报。根据 UK REACH 的相关规定,所有厂商将有6年的过度期来完成相关注册义务。 此次研讨会将覆盖一下内容: - UK REACH 概述 - 相关主体 (驻欧盟或欧盟经济区的出口商,驻英国进口商) - 已完成EU REACH 注册的厂商如何转换到UK REACH 注册体系 - 尚未完成EU REACH 注册的厂商如何进行UK REACH 的注册 - 相关费用 - 答疑

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