Compliance overview in Agrochemical Regulation in South Africa

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2022-02-10 | Compliance overview in Agrochemical Regulation in South Africa

Date & Time
February 10 2022 10:30-11:30 CET/15:00 -16:00IST

Pesticide in South Africa is handled by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) and Department of Health (DOH). The Department of Health oversees defining and approving pesticide Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs). DAFF is responsible for pesticide registrations, permits, and use in agriculture, as well as ensuring that South African producers and exporters adhere to MRLs. Pesticides are regulated in terms the Fertilizers, Farm Feeds, Agricultural Remedies and Stock Remedies Act, 1947 (Act No. 36 of 1947). This webinar will provide an overview of the pesticide registration and data requirements for successful registration to help foreign pesticide producers to achieve the South Africa pesticide registration requirement.

Key points to be covered in this webinar:

  • South Africa pesticide registration
  • Registration and data requirement
  • Recent Advancements in regulations

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