Chemical Regulatory Framework in Colombia: Latest updates

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2022-09-15 | Chemical Regulatory Framework in Colombia: Latest updates

Date & Time
September 15 2022 12:30 - 13:30 CEST / 16:00 - 17:00 IST

After Chile, Colombia has become the second country in Latin America to implement a comprehensive chemicals management framework. In 2018, it adopted the 6th Revision of the UN GHS through Decree 1496, which is currently being rolled out by the competent ministries. Additionally, with the adoption of Decree 1630, Colombia also aims to advance sound chemical management through the establishment of a National Inventory of Chemical Substances, as well as substance risk evaluation and management programme.

While both Decrees set the general framework for chemical management, much of the practical implementation is left to different involved Ministries, which will issue further regulations. This webinar will present the different initiatives underway in Colombia and their current state of progress. It will enable you to understand the recent regulatory updates in Colombia and keep up with further regulation.

We will address the following topics:
- Chemical management framework in Colombia: Decrees 1496 and 1630
- Implementation of the Decrees: current status and next steps
- General obligations of manufacturers and importers
- National Inventory of Industrial Use Substances: requirements and implementation

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